Sage Support
Build & Sustain
Your Mental Fitness

Saboteurs Are Relentless
Saboteurs represent the negative voices that cause anxiety, frustration, fear, unhappiness, and other undesirable emotions. They lead to negative patterns such as:
self-doubt/imposter syndrome
Mental Fitness Training helps develop the ability to recognize and intercept the saboteurs when they take over your thoughts and generate the negative emotions, reactions, and patterns.
Powerful tools and practices based on Positive Intelligence® (PQ) help you shift to a more positive, calm, and confident mindset for improved relationships, performance, and wellbeing!
Pod Power
Accountability and support are proven to increase the probability of sustaining new habits or achieving goals success by 500%!
Sage Sessions provide ongoing support to help you build and sustain your practice to improve your mental fitness and prevent your Saboteurs from derailing your progress.

Sage Support
Mental Fitness Support Membership

Ongoing support using principals, practices, and techniques of Positive Intelligence® (PQ) and complementary modalities to help you...

cultivate resilience, calm and confidence
improve performance/productivity
develop communication and relationships
enhance well-being
Choose your options...
PQ App Upgrade
(Applications Level)
Must complete the 8-Week
Mental Fitness Program
More Daily Content: 6 weeks Review & Integration, all Saboteurs, & more
Choose your content and schedule
Extensive library of video modules on specific topics to apply PQ in work/life
Coach-created content: guided practice & visualizations, topic-specific trainings & inspiration
Private WhatsApp Group for support & accountability
15% discount on Private Coaching sessions
20-50% off workshops, mini-courses, and other programs on stress management, resilience, productivity, etc.
Sage Sessions
(Group Support)
Must complete either:
Mental Fitness Program
or the following 3 steps:
Read the Positive Intelligence Book
Take the free Saboteur Assessment
Private Saboteur Discovery & Strategy Session (at half price)
Twice Monthly Drop-In Coach-facilitated Zoom sessions (1st and 3rd Thursdays 5:30pm PT subject to change)
Coach-created content: guided practice & visualizations, topic-specific trainings & inspiration
Private WhatsApp Group for support & accountability
15% discount on Private Coaching sessions
20-50% off workshops, mini-courses, and other programs on stress management, resilience, productivity, etc.
Combine the App Upgrade and Live Group Sage Sessions for the most powerful way to silence the saboteurs!
For the combo, choose your PQ App Upgrade option then check the box to add the monthly Sage Sessions to your order at check-out.