How Do You Self-Sabotage?

What's Your Mental Fitness (PQ) Score?

Self-Sabotage Impact

Saboteurs are the voices in your head that generate negative emotions. They represent automated patterns in your mind for how to think, feel, and respond to life's challenges. They cause all of your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness. They sabotage your performance, wellbeing, and relationships.

Meet Your Saboteurs

The first step to move from Self-Sabotage to Self-Mastery is to identify which saboteurs are your strongest and expose their sneaky, destructive ways.

Which of these suspects do you think affect you the most?

The Judge (the master saboteur we all have)

Avoider ~ Controller ~ Pleaser
Hyper-Vigilant ~ Hyper-Achiever
Hyper-Rational ~ Stickler 
Restless ~ Victim

To learn more about how each of these trouble-makers affects your ability to perform, your interactions with others, or your level of peace and happiness...

Take the Free Assessments

Discover your Saboteurs & PQ Score

 Submit the form below to access the assessments. Results go directly to you.

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What's a PQ Score?

PQ stands for Positivity Quotient.

Your PQ Score reveals your mental fitness level by measuring the strength of your positive mental "muscles" versus the negative. In essence, it indicates how often your mind is serving you versus sabotaging you.

"Your PQ Mental Fitness Program has been transformative for me! After decades of personal and professional development experiences, I can confidently say that you bringing PQ into my life has most fundamentally changed my daily life. I feel more self-command, more ease, more lightness. It’s like getting a black belt in surfing through life. Thank you! I hope so many others join this program and let you and the brilliant gamified app guide them through transformation!"
Gina Airey, CEO/Founder of Gina Airey Consulting
Learn More About Mental Fitness

Meet Jodi McDaniel

Certified Professional Coach & PQ® Mental Fitness Trainer
After completing the PQ® Mental Fitness Program from Positive Intelligence® for her own personal growth, Jodi knew she had to share it with her clients. She had spent decades engaging in personal development and therapy practices and serving as a consultant to small business owners and their teams, and she was an ICF Certified Professional Coach. Nothing compared to the powerful impact of the PQ® Mental Fitness Training. It was truly life-changing.
Jodi trained with Positive Intelligence® and attained specialized Certification as a Mental Fitness Trainer and Coach. She is passionate about how the simple, practical PQ® techniques empower people to take command of their thoughts and actions, and change how they view themselves, others, their life, and the world!
"I believe PQ® Mental Fitness Training has the power to profoundly change the world!" Jodi
Learn more about Jodi and Coaching