FlowĀ & Grow Blog

Instinct or Fear: What's the Difference? Oct 10, 2024

How do you know when it’s your true gut instinct guiding you—or fear and self-doubt holding you back?

A client...

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Small Steps = Big Results Sep 28, 2024

In a world that glorifies overnight success and grand achievements, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and intimidated....

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Fall Into Focus Sep 18, 2024

As fall arrives, we pause and see,
Where we are and hoped to be.
Some goals we’ve hit, some still remain,

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Learning Patience as a Patient: My Health Care Story Jun 13, 2024

I’ve been a healthy person for most of my life. Some recent mysterious health issues have me dealing with...

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What Do You Expect? How Your Expectations Shape Your Reality Apr 21, 2024

"What do you expect?" It's a question often asked rhetorically, tinged with sarcasm, implying that complaining is...

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Stress in the Body: Somatic Release Techniques Apr 09, 2024

Studies have shown that stress-triggered emotions can become lodged in our bodies, leading to physical discomfort and even...

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Navigating Saboteur Contagion: Don't Let Them Push Your Buttons Mar 26, 2024

Have you noticed it’s often the same people in your life who repetitively trigger you? Some people just easily...

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The Power of Ho'oponopono: Healing & Harmony through Personal Responsibility and Forgiveness Feb 22, 2024

Hurt, anger, and frustration...these are topics that come up frequently in my coaching work with clients. Often these...

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The Dangers of Desk Dining: Chew on This Feb 06, 2024

How often do you find yourself working through lunch, mindlessly pushing food in your face while you also push to make...

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Joy and Peace: Embracing the Power to Choose Jan 28, 2024

A classic image from Gary Larson's timeless Farside comic featuring a man nonchalantly whistling while working amidst the...

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